A sentence that asks something is called an asking sentence. These sentences are also called Questions. Asking sentences always end with question mark (?). Asking sentences begin with question words like What, Who, When, Where and Why.
This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used.
Interrogative Sentences Exercise for Class 5 CBSE with Answers Pdf
Sometimes we form a question, by changing the order of the words in a sentence and placing the verb at the beginning of the sentence. We also use Do/Does/Did for forming questions. They convert the assertive sentences into interrogative sentences. Do/Does/ Did are helping verbs.
Do/Does/Did work where, is/am/are/was/were are not used as helping verb in the sentences. Do/Does are used in present tense to make Present interrogative sentence. They always comes with the base form of the main verb. Did is used in past tense to make Past interrogative sentence. It always comes with the base form of the verb.
Do/Does/Did are used in the beginning of the sentence while making questions. Do is used with I, We, you and Does is used with He, She, It. Did is used with I, We, you, He, she it, they. Has/Have/Had are used with the past participle of the main verb. While converting present perfect sentence into interrogative sentences, we use Has/Have before the subject or beginning of the sentence. While converting past perfect sentences into interrogative sentences, we use Had before the subject or beginning of the sentence.
Interrogative Sentences Exercises with Answers for Class 5 CBSE Pdf
Convert the following sentences into interrogative sentences. The first one has been done for you.
1. Poonam is leaving today.
Is Poonam leaving today.
2. Manu was accused of cheating.
3. Sherry ate the last doughnut.
4. The chicken crossed the road.
5. Babita can play the saxophone.
6. You can understand why I’m upset.
7. There’s a doctor in the house.
8. The geese are returning early this year.
9. Your parents try to cheer you up when you’re sad.
10. Dolly chose the most expensive items on the menu.
11. You will take steps to correct this problem.
12. The doctor told us to add cereal to the baby’s formula.
13. Babbal’s teachers understand why he’s sleepy all the time.
14. Lalita knows how to serve her customers effectively and efficiently.
15. The prices in our cafeteria are reasonable.
16. He will drive the children to swim practice.
17. All the managers were taught how to use the new software.
18. We have received a pay raise this year.
19. Basketball is Mita’s favourite sport.
20. Mohan is a big fan of Sachin Tendulkar.
Interrogative Negative Sentence Definition
- Negative sentence is formed by putting ‘not’ in the sentence.
- Interrogative – Negative sentence is formed by putting a helping verb before the subject and ‘not’ after the subject.
- Interrogative negative sentence ends with question mark (?).
Read the picture story.
“Is Ravi not present in the class?” asks the teacher. “Yes madam, he is not present in the class as he has fallen sick.,” replies Riya. “Do you know why he falls sick so often?” asks the teacher. “No, Madam,” replies Riya.
“It is because of junk food like burger, chowmein, ice-cream, etc,” explains the teacher. “Teacher, should we not eat them at all?” asks Tina. No, you can eat them but not everyday,” replies the teacher.
“Teacher, Is this food not nutritious for us?” asks Pooja. Yes, it is not nutritious as it makes you fat and does not give you any nourishment.
Interrogative Negative Sentence Examples With Answers for Class 5 CBSE Pdf
A. Answer the following questions as per the story.
1. What did the teacher ask to the students about Ravi?
2. What did Tina ask the teacher?.
3. What did Pooja ask the teacher?
B. Read the story again and answer the following questions in negative sentences.
1. Is Ravi present in the class?
2. Should we eat junk food at all?
3. Is junk food nutritious?
Interrogative Negative Sentence Examples for Class 5 CBSE Pdf
A. Convert the following interrogative sentences into negative interrogative sentences. The first one has been done for you.
1. Do I play?
Do I not play?
2. Does Ravi play?
3. Do boys play?
4. Is Ravi playing?
5. Have we gone there?
6. Did you play?
7. Were they playing?
8. Had he played?
B. Convert the following negative interrogative sentences into interrogative sentences.
1. Is he not your friend?
2. Do you not like pizza?
3. Will you not come alone?
4. Could you not go by taxi?
5. Are they not waiting for us?
C. Convert the following interrogative sentences into negative sentences. The first one has been done for you.
1. Has he been arrested?
He has not been arrested.
2. Is he reading now?
3. Will she be travelling?
4. Was it snowing?
5. Do they have a cat?
6. Did they see a movie?
CBSE Class 5 English Grammar
- Pronoun Exercise for Class 5
- Noun Exercises for Class 5
- Preposition Exercise for Class 5
- Interrogative Sentences Exercise for Class 5
- Editing Exercises for Class 5
- Omission Exercises for Class 5
- Jumbled Sentences for Class 5
- Sentence Completion Exercises for Class 5
- Pronoun Exercise for Class 5
- Gender Of Nouns Exercises for Class 5
- Number Nouns Exercises for Class 5
- Possessive Nouns Exercises for Class 5
- Indefinite Pronouns Exercises for Class 5
- Articles Exercises for Class 5
- Adjective Exercise for Class 5
- Quantifiers Exercise for Class 5
- Emphasizing Adjectives Exercises for Class 5
- Interrogative Adjective Exercise for Class 5
- Adjective Phrases Exercises for Class 5
- Adverb Exercises for Class 5
- Simple and Compound Sentences Exercises for Class 5
- Complex Sentences Exercises for Class 5
- Active and Passive Voice Exercises for Class 5
- Punctuation Exercises for Class 5
- Quotation Marks Exercises for Class 5
- Word Pairs Exercises for Class 5
- Idioms and Phrases with Meanings and Examples for Class 5
- One Word Substitution for Class 5
- Proverbs Exercises for Class 5