This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used.
Modal Verbs Exercises for Class 4 CBSE with Answers PDF
- We use modal verbs to say:
- that someone is able to do something (can, could)
- that someone is allowed to do something (may, might)
- that someone has to do something (must)
The helping verbs are can, could, would, should, ought to, will, shall, may, might and must.
- can and could- We use can and could to say that someone is able to do something.
- will and would- We use will and would when you are asking someone to do something.
- shall and should- We can use shall and should to ask for advice, offer something and suggest something. Shall express the future action.
- must- We use must to talk about things that we have to do. First it expresses a strong belief. Second, it expresses an obligation.
- may and might- We use may to ask if we are allowed to do something and to tell someone that they are allowed to do something.
- ought to- We use ought to to make strong suggestions and talk about someone’s duty.
Read the picture story.
A. Answer the following questions as per the story.
1. Why can’t the patient buy the medicines from other chemists? __________
2. What would doctor prescribe? __________
3. How should patient take the medicine? __________
B. Complete the following with suitable modals.
1. Student: Madam, __________ I come in?
2. Teacher: Where were you? You __________ be in the class by this time.
3. Student: Sorry Madam. I __________ not get the bus on time.
4. Teacher: You __________ leave your home early.
5. Student: Kindly, forgive me this time. I __________ not be late in future. __________ I take my seat now?
7. Student: Madam, __________ you please check my home work?
8. Teacher: I __________ not check your homework at this time. I am teaching a lesson.
Modal Verbs Exercises with Answers for Class 4 CBSE PDF
A. Fill in the blanks using suitable Modals. The first one has been done for you.
1. We can win this match.
2. You __________ have good manners.
3. __________ he live long!
4. A cat __________ not chase a tiger.
5. They __________ finish this work in the evening.
6. We __________ obey our elders.
7. Who __________ arrange money at this time?
8. My uncle __________ speak five languages.
9. She told me that she __________ carry my books.
10. He said that he __________ go there if necessary.
B. Circle the correct auxiliary modal verb in each sentence.
1. When I grow up, I (may, might) become an engineer.
2. There is a small chance that we (may, might) go to the beach this weekend.
3. There is a good chance that we (might, may) have to postpone the meeting.
4. Mom thinks you (should, shall) clean your room.
5. Trains (shall, should) go faster.
6. I am feeling tired. I think I (wouid, will) go to sleep now.
7. I (will, would) like more milk with these cookies.
8. I did not think we (will, would) ever win the game.
CBSE Class 4 English Grammar
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- Verbs Exercises for Class 4
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- Past Participle Exercises for Class 4
- Present Perfect Tense Exercises for Class 4
- Past Perfect Tense Exercise for Class 4
- Future Continuous Tense Exercises for Class 4
- Future Perfect Tense Exercises for Class 4
- Modal Verbs Exercises for Class 4