This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used.
Articles Worksheet Exercises for Class 2 Examples with Answers CBSE PDF
- ‘A’ and ‘An’ are used to introduce a naming word.
- We use ‘A’ and ‘An’ to talk about one person, animal or thing.
- We use ‘A’ when the first letter of the naming word is consonant.
- We use ‘An’ when the first letter of the naming word is a vowel.
- The’ is used before special names.
Articles Worksheet for Grade 2 with Answers CBSE PDF
A. Circle the correct article (a/an/the) in each sentence.
1. Jiwan wanted to read (aan) comic book.
2. The class went on (aan) field trip.
3. He likes to read (anthe) stories written by his mother.
4. Lata put (aan) orange in her yogurt.
5. My mom likes making (anthe) cake from scratch.
B. Write the correct article (aanthe) before each naming word.
1. ____________ igloo
2. ____________ bench
3. ____________ banana
4. ____________ tree
5. ____________ inch
6. ____________ owl
7. ____________ tiger
8. ____________ eagle
Articles Paragraph Worksheet for Grade 2 with Answers CBSE PDF
- We use ‘A’ before u and eu when they sound like ‘you’. Examples: a uniform, a eucalyptus tree etc.
- We use ‘An’ before the silent ‘h’. Examples:- an Honest, an Hour etc.
- The is also used before a naming word that has been already talked about.
Read the picture story.
A. Answer the following questions as per the story.
1. Name the fruits that the boy had.
2. Which fruit did Rahul eat?
3. Which fruit did the boy eat?
B. Complete the sentences by writing ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ in the blanks.
1. ____________ tortoise and ____________ hare were neighbours. One day ____________ hare challenged ____________ tortoise to ____________ race. Tortoise won ____________ race.
2. I have ____________ dog and ____________ parrot as pets. – dog is always quiet but ____________ parrot is noisy.
Articles Paragraph Exercises with Answers PDF for Class 2 CBSE
A. Write a few sentences about each picture. Remember ‘a’ and ‘an’ when writing about one naming word and use ‘the’ when you repeat the name. Example
B. Write ‘a’ and ‘an’ before each of these words. Pay attention to the sound and not just the first letter.
1. ____________ European
2. ____________ house
3. ____________ useless dress
4. ____________ umbrella
5. ____________ unicorn
6. ____________ hour and a half
7. ____________ unhappy man
8. ____________ honest boy
CBSE Class 2 English Grammar
- Alphabetical Order Exercise for Class 2
- Alphabet Exercise for Class 2
- Words In Place Of Name for Class 2
- Where Words for Class 2
- Punctuation for Class 2
- Joining Words for Class 2
- Describing Words for Class 2
- Doing Words for Class 2
- How Words for Class 2
- Jumbled Sentences for Class 2
- Vowels And Consonants Exercise for Class 2
- Naming Words for Class 2
- Articles Exercises for Class 2
- Picture Composition for Class 2
- Compound Words for Class 2
- Interjection Exercises for Class 2
- Short forms Exercises Class 2
- Silent Words Exercises for Class 2
- Opposite Words Exercise for Class 2