Here we are providing Snake Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English Literature Reader, Extra Questions for Class 10 English was designed by subject expert teachers.
Snake Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English Literature
Snake Extra Questions and Answers Long Answer Type
Question 1.
Imagine that you are the narrator and have seen the snake at the water trough today. Write a diary entry about how you feel after having thrown the stick at the creature.
11 June 20xx
I am very upset that I hit a snake for no reason. I saw it at the water trough. It had come to drink water as it was a hot day. I-stood there fascinated and waited for it to go. It was a beautiful creature and it looked harmless. I think that other creatures also have a right on natural resources like water. But once the snake turned to go, I hit at its tail with piece of fallen bough. I am so ashamed at the act. It was so thoughtless and unnecessary. I felt like the Ancient Mariner. I wondered if my action was as a result of self-preservation or is it human nature?
Question 2.
The narrator’s friend comes to know about the encounter with the snake. Write a letter from the friend to the narrator, asking for more details and advising him about how to protect himself against snakes.
11 June20xx
Dear DH
I read your letter and I cannot imagine having a snake for a guest. But I did not understand that after admiring the creature, what was the need to hit it? What I can conclude after my observation is that man is selfish and cannot live in harmony with other creatures. Whereas animals only attack when threatened, man attacks without reason. I agree that human nature and the need for self-preservation is responsible for this act. Man must leam to live in harmony with other creations of God.
Yours Affectionately
Question 3.
Imagine you are the water-trough. Write a description of what you saw on the day described in the poem.
Today, it is very hot as it is a typical Sicilian summer day. All creatures are affected by this heat. I saw a snake come out of a fissure in the wall. It was drinking water collected near the tap. I also saw a man approach and wait for the snake to finish drinking water. I felt happy that he did not try to harm the snake.
The snake was relaxed in its movements and was moving slowly. The man waited patiently. But suddenly, when the snake started disappearing into the fissure in the wall, the man picked up a stick and threw it at the snake. The snake was surprised and it hurried off and disappeared soon, as it was upset. Why does Man think that he owns the world and no one else have the right to use natural resources?
Question 4.
The snake goes back into his hole and tells his family and friends about how he was attacked by a cruel human. The newspaper ‘Snake Times’ carries an article entitled, ‘Never Trust Humans’. Write the article.
It has been reported that a snake was attacked by a human. The snake had stopped to drink water near human habitation on a very hot day, as it had found water in a small clearing. While drinking, the snake saw a man staring at him but the mail, seemed harmless, so it continued drinking. But when it turned its back, it felt something aimed at its back, most probably the man had attacked it with something. All snakes are warned against going near humans. They are the most unpredictable creatures and keeping a safe distance from them would be the best policy.
Question 5.
The narrator’s friend is a newspaper reporter. He writes an article about the incident, highlighting the battle between natural instincts and the effect of education on the way we approach the natural world.
By Staff reporter
Recently my friend reported an encounter with a snake. The snake was harmless and had come to drink water. It did not attack or even look remotely dangerous. There was no need to feel fearful but my friend attacked the snake because he believed that the snake was poisonous. I found his reasoning quite strange. Do creatures other than man have no place on this earth? If so why were they created? Why is man so selfish and his main work seems to be just hunting down animals? Why can’t he live peacefully as God wanted him to? Does he always have to show his superiority? This is a question all of us have to answer.
Question 6.
Discuss the theme of the poem Snake.
The poet wanted to convey the message that most animals have- harmless attitude and human beings must have patience while dealing with them. He regrets his decision of being inhospitable towards the snake. The value that can be derived from this is that man and animal must coexist in peace and harmony.
Snake Extra Questions and Answers Reference to Context
Question 1.
A snake came to my water-trough
On a hot, hot day, and I in pyjamas for the heat,
To drink there.
In the deep, strange-scented shade of a great dark Carob tree.
(a) Who was the visitor the narrator is referring to?
The visitor was the snake.
(b) Why is the narrator in pyjamas?
The narrator was in pyjamas because it was quite hot.
(c) What is a Carob tree?
It is a tree found in the Mediterranean region.
Question 2.
I came down the steps with my pitcher
And must wait, must stand and wait, For there was at the tough before me
(a) Why did the narrator come down the steps?
The narrator wanted to fill the pitcher with water to drink.
(b) Why did he have to wait before filling water?
He had to wait as there was a snake at the water trough drinking water.
(c) How did the narrator react to the snake?
At first he admired it, but when it turned its back, he hit it with a stick.
Question 3.
He reached down from the fissure in the earth-wall in the gloom
And trailed his yellow-brown slackness soft bellied down, over the edge of the stone trough
(a) Who does ‘he’ refer to?
‘He’ refers to the snake.
(b) Where had it come from?
The snake had come from a hole in the earth wall.
(c) Describe the creature as depicted in these lines.
It was yellow-brown in colour, with a soft, slack body.
Question 4.
He sipped with his straight mouth
Softly drank through his straight gums, into his slack, long body,
(a) What is being described in these lines?
The manner in which the snake was drinking water is being described here.
(b) What is the attitude of the narrator?
The narrator is respectful, admiring the snake and waiting for his turn at the water trough.
(c) How does his attitude change in the end?
In the end he hits the snake with a stick.
Question 5.
He lifted his head from his drinking as cattle do,
And looked at me vaguely as drinking cattle do,
And flickered his two formed tongue from his lips and mused a moment
(a) Pick out the poetic device in the first line.
A simile is used in the first line.
(b) Why has the narrator compared the snake to cattle?
The narrator does so because at that time, the snake appeared as harmless as cattle.
(c) Pick put the word which tells us that the snake was not aware of the narrator’s presence.
The word ‘vaguely’ indicates that the snake was not aware of the narrator’s presence.
Question 6.
The voice of my education said to me
He must be killed
For in Sicily the black, black snakes are innocent, the gold are venomous.
(a) Where does the narrator see the snake?
The narrator sees it in the water trough.
(b) Why does he want to kill it?
The narrator wants to kill it because it was a golden-brown snake and hence poisonous.
(c) What had the ‘voice of education’ taught him?
It had taught him that snakes were poisonous creatures and had to be killed.
Question 7.
But must I confess how I liked him
How glad I was that he had come here like a guest in quiet, to drink at my water trough
(a) What is the narrator referring to in these lines?
The narrator is referring to a snake which had come to his trough to drink water.
(b) What was the paradox as expressed in these lines?
Though the narrator felt that the snake which had come to drink water at his trough was poisonous and should be killed, he felt he was like a guest and should not tTd killed.
(c) How did the narrator resolve the problem?
The narrator threw a stick at the retreating back of the snake.
Question 8.
And as he put his head into that dreadful hole
And as he slowly drew up, snake-easing his shoulders, and entered further,
A sort of horror, a sort of protest against his withdrawing into that horrid black hole
Deliberately going into the blackness, and slowly drawing himself after
Overcame me now his back was turned.
(a) Where is the snake going?
The snake was going into the hole.
(b) What are the conflicting views that the narrator has as he watches the snake?
The narrator at first felt honoured, then wondered whether he should kill it because it was poisonous and finally he hit the snake’s retreating back.
Question 9.
And looked around like a god, unseeing into the air.
(a) What is the poetic device used in this line?
The poetic device used is a simile.
(b) Who is being compared to a god?
The snake is being compared to a God.
(c) What does the phrase ‘unseeing into the air’ tell us about it?
The snake is relaxed and not focussing on anything in particular.
Question 10.
But suddenly that part of him that was left behind convulsed in undignified haste
(a) Who does ‘him’ refer to?
‘Him’ refers to the snake.
(b) Why did it convulse in undignified haste?
The snake reacted because it sensed danger after being attacked by a stick thrown by the narrator.
(c) How is the movement different from his earlier behaviour?
Earlier, the snake was relaxed and moving slowly and lazily without any fear.
Question 11.
And immediately I regretted it
(a) What did the narrator regret?
The narrator regretted hitting the snake with a stick.
(b) Why did he feel so?
The narrator felt regretful because he had hit the snake without any reason.
(c) How did he feel?
The narrator felt guilty and remorseful.
Question 12.
And I thought of the albatross
And I wished he would come back, my snake.
(a) What made the narrator think of the albatross?
The narrator’s action of hitting the snake without any reason, and a fear of the repercussions he might have to face as a result of his act, made the narrator think about the albatross.
(b) Why was he reminded of the albatross? What does this refer to?
It refers to the bird mentioned in the poem Rime of the Ancient Mariner where an albatross was killed by a mariner without any reason.
(c) Why did he want it to return?
The narrator wanted to ask for forgiveness and atone for his sins.
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