This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. Students can also read NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English to get good marks in CBSE Board Exams.
Letters to the Editor Format Class 11 English CBSE Example Questions
Question 1.
Despite much effort by the govt., heaps of garbage, choked and overflowing drains are a common right across Delhi. Some reasons being, ever rising number of people and lack of civic sense in the city dwellers. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily raising this issue and suggesting practical solutions. You are Farzana/Danish of 4/99, Urvashi Enclave, New Delhi. [NCT 20i7]
The Editor
14 August 20XX
The Times of India
3, Bahadur Shah Zafar Road,
New Delhi-1100XX
Subject: Garbage Problem in our Neighbourhood
I wish to write to you, like most people of the city, about the uncontrolled problem of garbage and choked drains in our neighbourhood.
We have approached civic authorites several times with disappointing results. I, therefore, suggest how we citizens can keep our neighbourhood clean. Firstly, we must segregate the garbage as advised several times and dispose accordingly. Secondly, we can get in touch with government departments to learn how garbage can be recycled or turned into compost clean peels of vegetables and fruits can be sent as fodder to various cow shelters.
I welcome suggestions from fellow citizens on the subject. Meanwhile I hope Delhiwalas find my suggestions useful.
Yours faithfully
Farzana Sheikh
Question 2.
Crimes against women are on the rise in the city. Write a letter to the editor of a leading newspaper
suggesting steps which need to be immediately taken by the government to make our city a safer place for women. You are Renu/Rohit of F-15, Kamla Nagar, Delhi.
F-15, Kamla Nagar
Delhi 1100XX
28 April 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
New Delhi 1100XX
Dear Sir
Subject: Safety of women in cities
Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper, I want to draw the attention to the plight of Indian women and express my concern about their safety. It is common knowledge that cities and even villages are not safe for women today. Every day women are abducted and abused by strangers or people known to them. It is essential that the government take some steps to ensure the safety of women. As the first step, I suggest police patrolling be increased from 7 p.m.,.onwards and a watch be kept on anti-social elements. Secondly, lighting of streets, parks, markets and public places should be improved.
It is important to empower women and girls. Government offices, police stations and municipal bodies should conduct martial art and self-defencce classes for girls. Policewomen and policemen in plain clothes should be deployed at vulnerable points to keep a watch on anti-social elements. Many more steps can be taken but immediately the measures suggested should improve the situation.
I hope the authorities concerned would take immediate remedial action.
Yours faithfully
Question 3.
Your are Supreet / Supreetl, living at 426, Ambedkar Nagar, Jaipur. You are deeply concerned at the misuse and poor maintenance of the public parks in your city. Write a letter to the editor of the Hindustan Times, expressing your concern and suggesting some measures to improve the condition of the parks. [NCT 2015]
426, Ambedkar Nagar
15 March 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
M I Road
Dear Sir
Subject: Poor Maintenance of Public Park in Jaipur
Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to draw the attention of the municipal authorities to the miserable condition of public parks in our beautiful Pink City.
Parks are a major point of attraction in any city. They are places for recreation for the old and young. They add beauty to the cityscape. Unfortunately, parks in Jaipur do not serve any of these purposes.
Most parks do not have properly maintained lawns or flower beds. The grass is patchy and dry in most parks. The benches are broken or missing. There are no garbage bins. So, people throw litter everywhere.
Most importantly, the entrance gates are broken allowing free access to stray cows. These animals sit and roam all over the parks and do not allow children to play.
I request the civic authorities to bring the parks up to certain decent standards. Gardeners and caretakers should be made responsible for discharging their duties. The local councillor should be made accountable for the proper maintenance of parks in our beautiful city.
I hope my plea receives the desired attention.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Question 4.
You are a resident of Delhi and love its beautiful architecture. Recently you visited the Red Fort and were disturbed by the poor maintenance of the monument as well as the careless and negligent attitude of the visitors who spoil the buildings by writing their names, messages on the walls, domes, etc. Write a letter to the Editor, the Hindustan Times, expressing concern over this state of affairs and the need for awakening a sense of pride and love for such monuments in the common people.
E 55, SLF Ved Vihar
Loni, Ghaziabad 201102
28 September 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
KG Marg
New Delhi 1100XX
Dear Sir
Subject: Complaint about the deplorable condition of our monuments.
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to assert the fact that we Indians, particularly Delhiites, do not value our heritage. We carelessly spoil our treasures. It can be seen in the attitude of the people to the historical monuments.
Delhi is rich in monuments of the Hindu, Sultanate, Mughal and British periods. In Europe, such a legacy would be preserved and beautified, but here it is spoiled and ruined by our own people through carelessness, laziness and sheer disregard. See the Red Fort and you find not history but romantic messages.
We need to be proud of our city. Only then will we be motivated to preserve its beauty. Even Connaught Place, belonging to the recent colonial history, has lost its elegance and style. I appeal to our citizens to wake up to the beauty of our city and conserve it.
Yours faithfully
Akshay Bhatnagar
Question 5.
You are Neha/Nidhi of 25 Patel Nagar, Delhi. Write a letter to The Editor of The Indian Mirror
highlighting the nuisance of rash driving by minors and steps to curb it. [NCT 2011]
25, Patel Nagar
Delhi 1100XX
2 March 20XX
The Editor
Hindustan Times
Ansari Road
Delhi U00XX
Dear Sir
Subject: Rash driving by minors
I would like to bring to the notice of your readers the ills of rash driving by underage individuals. Teenagers and youths have a fascination for speed and adventure. Driving on city roads gives them both. They, however, lack the sense of responsibility and discipline that is mandatory for a driver. Added danger to the pedestrians and other vehicles comes when these minors get drunk and drive.
There are many cases when they lose their own lives and take the lives of others.
Unfortunately, the number of such drivers and fatal or near-fatal accidents is growing, specially in big cities. It is necessaiy that police strictly implements the rules of driving licences and checks the teenagers behind the wheels. Parents too should not allow their sons and daughters of fourteen or fifteen to drive. Teenagers may love to flaunt their cars and driving skills, but parents should restrain them.
I feel that this menace of rash driving can be curbed by some good sense and strict discipline on the part of police and parents.
Yours faithfully
Question 6.
You are Pushpit/Pushpa 62 B, Mayur Vihar, Delhi. Write a letter to The Editor of the Hindustan Times about ‘Misuse of Computers, TV and Mobile phones by the children’. [NCT 2010]
62 B, Mayur Vihar
Delhi 1100XX
26 May 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
New Delhi 1100XX
Dear Sir
Subject: Misuse of Computers, TV and Mobile Phones by Children
I wish to draw the attention of your readers to an important issue of our times. That we are in the age of electronics, is fortunate, but at the same time we should make sure that the electronic gifts are not misused, especially by our children.
Computers, TV and mobile phones are inevitable m modern life but their uncontrolled and unguided
use can be disastrous. We are all aware of the harm TV can cause to the values, culture preferences and even morals of our youngsters. All kinds of entertainments and information is available on TV. We have to be judicious in what we allow our children to watch.
Similarly, if computers are used only for playing games, social networking and visiting forbidden websites, they can have disastrous effects on children.
We all know how mobiles are being used for wrong purposes like cheating in exams, criminal activities and even for making objectionable video clips. The common element in these gadgets is that they distract children from the right course and lead to wastage of time.
Controlled and guided use of electronic gadgetry is essential, and that is the message I wish to convey to your readers.
Yours truly
Question 7.
KFC, McDonalds, Subway, Nik Bakers…….. the list is endless. The child of today is attracted to this style of eating over the diet of green vegetables, etc. Junk food is the modern trend of eating habits. The concept of a balanced diet is the thing of the past. With this comes in the era of obesity and other related diseases. As a concerned parent/counsellor write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper to express your views/suggestions on this malady. Sign yourself as Simran Dogra of House No. 122, Sector 22, Chandigarh.
House No. 122
Sector 22
Chandigarh 1600XX
5 May 20XX
The Editor
The Tribune
Chandigarh 1600XX
Dear Sir
Subject: Concern regarding popularity of junk food Value Points:
Problem: Junk food – a modern trend of unhealthy eating habits
Cause: Lack of time – food seductive and tempting, mushrooming junk food outlets
Effect: Obesity, ill-health
– stop fattening foods
– eat fruits, vegetables, salads
– natural food – important for good health
– remember – health is wealth
(Develop these points into complete sentences.)
Yours truly
Simran Dogra
Question 8.
A student’s anxieties never end. After clearing the Board Examination, there is the uncertainty of getting admission in a college and a course of one’s choice. The cut-off percentage in good colleges rises every year. There are hardly any openings for the average students.
Write a letter to the editor of a national daily stating the problem and giving suggestions regarding creating job opportunities for students after passing Class XII. The government and NGOs together can do a lot in this matter. You are Kushagra/Kusum, a student of Class XI.
5/312, M. Sarai
Delhi 1100XX
5 January 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Kasturba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi 1100XX
Dear Sir
Subject: Admission in college
I am a student of class XI and extremely anxious about my further education. Every year I see my seniors knocking about from college to college seeking admission in undergraduate courses. This situation is nowhere as bad as in Delhi where the cut-off percentage in good colleges keeps rising every year. Most colleges draw the line near 90% so even bright students with about 88% do not get admission in a college of their choice. The average student has to leave Delhi and seek admission in neighbouring towns like Ghaziabad and Meerut. Others are forced to join correspondence courses or dubious private institutions offering doubtful professional courses. Rich parents buy education for their children in remote states on the basis of hefty donations.
The scenario is dismal, whichever way one may look at it. Who will find a solution, I wonder. I have laid before the thinkers, educationists and sociologists, the problem faced by the youth with the hope that a solution will be found.
Yours truly
Question 9.
By mistake you forgot your briefcase in an autorickshaw. It contained some important documents. At the end of the day, you were amazed to find that the autorickshaw driver had taken the trouble of locating your address and returning the briefcase intact at your house. Write a letter to the Editor, The Statesman, showing honesty survives even in these hard times. Sign as Anshuman Kumar, 28, H-Block, Ashok Vihar, Delhi. ^
28, H Block
Ashok Vihar ,
New Delhi 1100XX
1 September 20XX
The Editor
The Statesman ,
Connaught Circus
New Delhi 1100XX
Dear Sir
Subject: Appreciating an honest driver
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to proclaim loud and clear to the world honesty is not dead.
To prove this, I want the readers to know about an autorickshaw driver I had the good fortune to meet. I travelled in his autorickshaw-forgot briefcase containing important documents-was worried and sad throughout the day-surprised to find the briefcase waiting at home-told by wife that an autorickshaw driver returned it-I opened and found cash, documents intact. I hope to find him and reward him-more important shake his hand in friendship.
I hope there are many unsung heroes like him.
Yours truly
Anshuman Kumar
(Complete the phrases in the second para to make full sentences.)
Question 10.
Namit Mathur has been coming across certain headlines in the newspaper on shortage of power. He has to write his board examination in March and he himself is a victim of erratic supply of electricity in his locality. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper giving his views on the deteriorating conditions of electricity in his locality and mentioning the inconvenience faced by the residents of the locality.
SD 530
Tower Apartments
Pitampura Delhi 110034
25 February 20XX
The Editor
Hindustan Time’s
Kasturba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi 110001
Dear Sir
Subject: Erratic power supply in Delhi
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I wish to bring to the notice of the authorities concerned the plight of students due to grave power shortage.
I am a student of class XII and have to appear in the CBSE examination in March 20XX. At this time my studies should be going on in earnest. Unfortunately, I am unable to put in the time needed because of frequent power breakdowns. Every day we suffer two to four hours without electricity. The reason for this state is partly Haryana Government’s refusal to supply electricity during peak hours. The situation would improve if the government could control theft of power. NDPL must take effective steps to improve the situation. I hope the authorities realise how crucial this time is for students and take steps to give us continuous supply of power.
Yours faithfully
Namit Mathur
Question 11.
As a social worker you had occasion to visit some slum areas of your city. You were deeply pained to see the unhygienic living conditions, lack of drinking water and sanitation facilities. Write a letter to the Editor, The Times of India, pointing out the lack of concern on the part of the government as well as non-governmental organisations at such a state of affairs. Write about the need of improving the living conditions in such areas. You are Saurabh Dixit living at 88, S.F.S. Flats, Hauz Khas, Delhi.
88, S.F.S. Flats Hauz Khas Delhi
1 February 20XX .
The Editor
The Times of India
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
New Delhi
Subject: Complaint about deteriorating condition of slum areas
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to attract the attention of the civic authorities to the plight of slum dwellers in the capital city of Delhi.
I am a social worker and have worked in slums for the last fifteen years. It pains me to see that their condition has deteriorated over the years-living conditions are simply miserable-water stagnant at several places-breeding mosquitoes-foul stench-men, animals living and defecating in the same area-drinking dirty water and foul smelling-piles of garbage. [Complete the hints to make full sentences.
This condition exists in spite of the fact that most of the slum dwellers have found some work and are making money. What is needed is that government and non-government agencies get involved in the upliftment and education of these slum dwellers and improve their lot.
Yours faithfully
Saurabh Dixit
Question 12.
While shopping at a popular fashionable market you were distressed to see the harassment faced by some foreigners at the hands of the self-proclaimed guides, greedy shopkeepers, vendors and even beggars. Write a letter to The Editor, The Indian Express, mentioning that we have forgotten our culture of hospitality and are responsible for spoiling the image of our country. You are Abhinav Prakash of 3480, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi.
3480, Lajpat Nagar
New Delhi 1100XX
1 June 20XX
The Editor
Indian Express
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
New Delhi 110002
Dear Sir
Subject: Complaint about beggars troubling foreigners
I would like to reach out to the fellow Indians through your esteemed newspaper and remind them of our tradition of looking after our guests to the best of our ability. In modern times, we cheat the foreign guests, the tourists.
In a market place, I found tourists surrounded by beggars-children, old women begging-so-called guides surrounding a couple-started touching their cameras, watches. At Sarojini Nagar Market, I saw young German girls being followed by agents of shopkeepers – heavy price quoted for ordinary goods-the tourists obviously uncomfortable-embarrassed-often cheated, sometimes robbed.
Such behaviour is disgraceful. I appeal to fellow Indians to be helpful to the foreign visitors and make their visit to India memorable.
Yours faithfully
Abhinav Prakash
(Complete the phrases in the second paragraph to make full sentences.)
Question 13.
You are Arun/Anjali of 21 Kailash Park, New Delhi. Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper about the menace of stray dogs in your colony. [NCT 2019]
21, Kailash Park New Delhi 1100XX
October 10, 20XX
The Editor
Daily Chronicle
6, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
New Delhi 110001
Dear Sir
Subject: The menace of stray dogs
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the civic authorities towards the menace of stray dogs in our colony.
These dogs are a nuisance and a threat. There have been three cases of dog bites in the past fifteen days. Young children are specially vulnerable as they sometimes play with the pups. This leads to unhygienic contact and diseases. We have repeatedly complained to the municipal authorities and requested them to take the dogs away, but to no avail. The dogs dirty the neighbourhood, the market as well as our parks.
I request you to publish this letter in your newspaper so that the municipal authorities wake up to our problems and take remedial steps.
Yours faithfully
CBSE Class 11 English Writing Skills
- Notice Writing Class 11
- Advertisement Writing Class 11
- Poster Writing Class 11
- Letter Writing Class 11
- Business Letter Class 11
- Letter of Enquiry Class 11
- Letter of Complaint Class 11
- Letters to the Editor Format CBSE Class 11
- Letter for Job Application Class 11
- Letter to School Authorities Class 11
- Article Writing Class 11
- Speech Writing Format CBSE Class 11
- Report Writing Class 11
- Narrative Writing Class 11