Here we are providing How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Extra Questions and Answers Class 6 English Honeysuckle, Extra Questions for Class 6 English was designed by subject expert teachers.
How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Extra Questions and Answers Class 6 English Honeysuckle
How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type
Question 1.
What kind of life did dogs live in earlier times?
Dogs were once their own master. They moved out freely like wolves.
Question 2.
Why was the dog ready to surrender his freedom?
The dog found his life boring. He had to look for his food alone. He felt tired. He was also afraid of stronger animals.
Question 3.
Why was the wolf afraid of the bear?
The wolf was afraid of Che bear because the bear was stronger and could kill the wolf.
Question 4.
Why were the cows mooed and run in panic?
The cows mooed and ran in panic because they had smelt a lion coming towards them.
Question 5.
How has the man become final master of the dog?
Dog is man’s most dependence servant. He was been serving his master most faithfully for ages. He never felt the need to change his master again.
Question 6.
Who did he choose next?
Next, the dog chose bear as his master.
Question 7.
Why did he serve the Lion for a long time?
He serve the lion for long time because he found there was no one powerful and stronger than lion in the forest and no one dared to touch the dog or offend him in any way. Therefore, the dog lived happily by serving the lion for a long time.
Question 8.
Who did he finally choose as his master and why?
The dog finally chose man as his master. Even lion was afraid of man. So the dog was convinced that man was the strongest creature on earth.
How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Extra Questions and Answers Long Answer Type
Question 1.
What kind of relationship does human and dog share?
Every creature on earth wants freedom. But the exemplary behaviour, they both display is beyond measures. The trust and care they share is often missing in relationships. The way the master pampers and loves his dog is repaid by the loyalty of his pet even in his absence. The relationship between man and dog has strengthened with time. Love and compassion that a man has for dog is missing in other animals. Whereas the loyalty and impeccable faith of dog for his master is undeterred even in times of danger.
Question 2.
Which trait of dog can be adaptable and impressed you the most?
The dog was looking for its master. It began its search from wolf and finally to the man. The impressive trait it has, was its persistent strife to find the most suitable and has dependable master. It has ‘never to give up’ attitude. That helped it to find the best opportunity. So one should be persistent, optimistic to reach the desired result.
Question 3.
Why did the dog feel the need for a master?
The dog was tired of the sort of life it was leading. He was tired of wandering about by himself looking for food. He was frightened of those who were stronger than he. So he felt the need for a master who could give him food. He also wanted security in returns for his services.
Question 4.
Who did the first choose as his master? Why did he leave that master?
He choose a big wolf as his master. One day, the dog saw that the wolf was afraid of the bear. Since the dog wanted to serve only the strongest, he left the wolf and asked the bear to be his master.
How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Extra Questions and Answers Reference to Context
Question 1.
Dogs were once their own masters and lived the way wolves do, in freedom, until a dog was born who was ill pleased with this way of life. He was sick and tired of wandering about by himself looking for food and being frightened of those who were stronger than he.
(i) Who were their own master and lives in forest?
(ii) Why was the dog unhappy?
(iii) Why was it afraid of other animals?
(iv) Choose the correct words which means ‘travelling aimlessly from place to place.’
(v) The word opposite to meaning “ill-pleased” is
(i) Dogs were their own master and lived in forest.
(ii) The dog was not happy because it had to arrange its food by itself.
(iii) The other animals were stronger than the dog, so it was afraid of other animals.
(iv) Wandering about’.
(v) Happy.
Question 2.
Seeing that the Bear was stronger than the Wolf, the Dog decided to take up service with him, and he left the Wolf and asked the Bear to be his master. The Bear agreed to this readily and said, “Let us go and find a herd of cows. Ill kill a cow and then we can both eat our fill.”
(i) Whom does the dog decide to serve?
(ii) Where was the dog taken to?
(iii) What does ‘our fill’ mean?
(iv) What is a ‘herd’?
(v) Who said that he is going to hunt the cows?
(i) The dog decides to serve the bear.
(ii) The dog was taken to find the cows.
(iii) It means to satisfy their hunger.
(iv) A herd is a group of cows.
(v) The bear said that he is going to hunt cow.
Question 3.
It was a good life, and he had nothing to complain of, for there was no stronger beast in the forest than the Lion, and no one dared touch the Dog or offend him in any way. But one day the two of them were walking side by side along a path that ran amid bare cliffs when all of a sudden the Lion stopped. He gave a great roar and struck the ground angrily with his paw with such force that a hole formed there. Then he began to back away very quietly. “What is it, Master, is anything wrong?” asked the Dog, surprised. “I smell a man coming this way,” the Lion said. “We’d better run for it or well be in trouble.”
(i) What was ‘good’ about lion as master?
(ii) How was the lion, a good choice for the dog?
(iii) Why did the lion run away?
(iv) What did the lion do to save himself?
(v) The meaning of baby away is
(i) The dog called it good life because he had nothing to complaint.
(ii) The lion protected the dog from other animals.
(iii) The lion stopped as he smelled a man coming his way.
(iv) The lion ran away from there to save himself.
(v) The meaning of back away is to move backwards.
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