This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. Read all classes unseen passage with questions and answers in English
Unseen Passage Worksheet Exercises for Class 2 Examples with Answers CBSE PDF
Picture Comprehension Passage for Grade 2
Picture Comprehension is based on a picture story.
Picture Comprehension Passage for Grade 2 with Answers PDF CBSE
Read the picture story.
Ria has a new bicycle. It is bright pink and shiny. It was a gift from her uncle.
He hid it behind a bush to surprise her. When Ria looked behind the bush and saw the bicycle, she jumped with joy.
She gave her uncle a big hug. She loves her new bicycle and she loves her uncle.
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the colour of the bicycle? The bicycle is pink in colour.
2. Who was it a gift from? It was a gift from uncle
3. Where was it hidden? It was hidden behind the bush.
4. What did Ria do, when she saw the bicycle? Ria jumped with joy when she saw the bicycle.
Picture Comprehension Worksheets for Grade 2 PDF Questions with Answers CBSE
Picture Comprehension Worksheets for Grade 2 Passage-1
Read the picture story.
The bookshelf in my house holds many books, and some pictures and candles. It is a tall bookshelf. It has big and small books.
There are also books for kids and books for parents. There is a picture of my mother and father.
There are two blue candles and a yellow candle. I am glad the books I like are on the lowest shelf.
A. Write the answers to the questions.
1. What type is the bookshelf?
2. What is in the bookshelf?
3. Whose photograph is on the bookshelf?
4. What are the colour of the candles?.
Picture Comprehension Worksheets for Grade 2 Passage-2
Read the picture story.
The Parade
My mother took me and my brother Arun to the fun parade on Monday.
I saw three pretty white horses walking in the parade and some big dogs running in the parade, too.
The clowns and their puppy had on purple hats and big orange pants.
After the parade the clowns gave me candy to eat. I ate my candy and I clapped and clapped. It was a fun parade to see with my brother and mother.
A. Answer the following questions.
1. When did the mother and Arun go for a parade? _______________
2. Who gave candies to the children? _______________
3. What was clown’s puppy wearing? _______________
4. What did they all see in the fun parade? _______________
5. Give the describing words used in the passage for the following words.
_______________Horses, _______________Dogs, _______________Hats, _______________Pants.
Moral Comprehension Passages Worksheet for Grade 2 CBSE PDF
Some passages end with teaching some true lessons of life. Such passages are called Moral passages.
Moral Comprehension Passages Worksheet for Grade 2 With Questions And Answers
Read the passage and answer the questions that follows.
There was a king in Scotland. His name was Robert Bruce. He fought many battles and won them. But once he was badly defeated. He ran away from the battle field to save his life. He took shelter in a cave where he hid himself. He lost all hope
towards life. He took shelter in a cave.
But one day he saw a spider who was trying to reach the roof of the cave where it had a cobweb. It made six attempts to reach its web but every time it slipped down. He was surprised to see that spider did not lose heart but continued its efforts to reach up at the top. At the seventh attempt the spider was successful in its attempt of reaching its web.
This incident boosted up the spirit of King Bruce. He gained new strength and fresh courage. He fought another battle and was ultimately successful in making his country free.
Moral: Try, try and try again.
Answer the following questions.
A. Correct the jumbled words.
1. bltate Battle
2. fotung _______________
3. hlerste _______________
4. erdips _______________
5. bewcob _______________
B. Fill up the blanks.
1. King Bruce was the king of _______________
2. King took shelter in the _______________
3. He saw _______________ in the cave.
4. The spider was successful at the _______________ attempt.
5. The moral of the story is Try ,try and _______________ again.
C. State True/False.
1. The king name was Robert Bruce. ( )
2. The king saw the lion in the cave. ( )
3. The spider made three attempts to reach its web. ( )
4. The spider incident boosted up the spirit of the king. ( )
5. The moral of the story is ‘Do Not Try Again’. ( )
D. Look at the picture and name it.
Poem Comprehension with Questions and Answers for Grade 2 CBSE PDF
Read the poem carefully and answer the following questions.
Snow School Today
We bundle ourselves for it’s time to leave, The wind whips as we wait for Mr. Steve. He rounds the corner in the yellow bus, Opening the door, he calls out for us, “It’s cold this morning! Get in! The heat’s on!” We wave our good-byes and then we are gone.
The trip this morning is a slippery ride, Look out the window, the snow falls outside. The street lights blurry and glowing like jewels, Beneath all our boots, snow melts into pools. Now safe at school we hear Mr. Steve say, “Hurry inside now and keep warm today!”
1. Who is Mr. Steve?
2. Which words best describe the weather in the poem?
a. cold and rainy ( )
b. snowing and calm ( )
c. windy and cold ( )
d. snowing and hailing ( )
3. The seventh line of the poem says:
The trip this morning is a slippery ride. What does this mean?
a. Kids are slipping when they get on the bus. ( )
b. The bus wheels are slipping on the ice. ( )
c. Kids are slipping and falling when they walk to the bus. ( )
d. The bus floor is slippery. ( )
4. Write three words to describe Mr. Steve. _______________, _______________ and _______________.
5. How do the students probably feel when they are on the bus?
a. colder ( )
b. warmer ( )
c. tired ( )
d. lost ( )
Nonfiction Passages 2nd Grade CBSE PDF
Nonfiction Passages 2nd Grade Passage-1
Read the passage and answer the following questions.
Going to the Movies
My class is going to the movies next week. We have to get permission slips signed before we go. We also need to ask our parents if they will drive us to the movie theatre. We are going to see a movie that tells the story from a book we read. We love it when movies are made from books. It is fun to compare movies to books. I usually like the book better. We get to the movie OUT early so we can buy popcorn. Some of us buy candy and slushes too.
We all enjoy watching the movie. When we return to the school, we talk about things that were in the movie and the book. The movie and book are similar. We all agree that we like the book better though. Books let you picture the characters any way you want.
Answer the following questions.
1. What do the students need to do before going to the movie?
2. What is fun to compare?
3. What do the students like better, the movie or the book?
4. What do the books let you do?
Nonfiction Passages 2nd Grade Passage-2
Read the passage and answer the following questions.
‘T’ Time with Elephants
Three interesting things about elephant begin with the letter T – trunk, tusk and teeth. An elephant’s trunk has over fourty thousand muscles and tendons. The trunk is a combination of the nose and the upper lip. An elephant uses its trunk for picking up things. It also uses its trunk for smelling. An elephant has two tusks. The tusks are made of ivory. The tusks grow from the elephant’s upper jaw. An elephant has these two “teeth” instead of incisor teeth. The tusks grow throughout an elephant’s life. An elephant uses its tusks to drill for water and to dig up food. All African elephants have tusks. Only some Asian male elephants have tusks. Some female Asian elephants also have tusks, but they are very small and hidden inside their mouth.
An elephant also has four other teeth. These teeth are molars. An elephant has one upper molar and one lower molar on each side of its mouth. Because an elephant eats a lot of plants, its molars get ground down. New molars move in to replace the old molars about every ten years. An elephant gets up to six sets of molars over its lifetime.
Answer the following questions.
1. How many muscles and tendons are in an elephant’s trunk?
a. over 4,000 ( )
b. over 40,000 ( )
c. over 400,000 ( )
d. over 40,000,000 ( )
2. What two things does an elephant use its trunk for?
3. What two things does an elephant use its tusks for?
4. What does an elephant use its molars for?
a. growing tusks ( )
b. chewing plants ( )
c. chewing small animals ( )
d. speaking to other elephant ( )
Compare and Contrast Passages 2nd Grade CBSE PDF
Read the passage.
Two Fantastic Fruits
Bananas are yellow fruit that grow in hot climate. They grow on tall plants, in bunches called hands. They’re easy to carry and fun to eat. Bananas are called the “perfect fruit” because they have many nutrients to keep you healthy. They have lots of potassium, which helps your muscles grow. For a delicious treat, add some banana slices to other foods, like cereal, ice cream, or a peanut butter sandwich. A banana is also an excellent breakfast food.
Pineapples are also yellow fruits that grow in hot climate. They grow on low plants, close to the ground. Pineapples are very juicy and sweet. They are not very easy to carry around because they are big and have prickly skin. Pineapples are very healthy food. They have lots of vitamin C, which helps your body fight germs, and it helps to build strong bones. Slices of pineapple taste wonderful when added to other foods, like pizza, ice cream, and hamburgers. Some people even put pineapple slices on cakes.
A. Tick the right option.
1. According to the paragraphs above, how are bananas and pineapples alike?
a. They are both dirty fruits. ( )
b. They both grow in bunches. ( )
c. They are both easy to carry. ( )
d. They both grow in hot climate. ( )
2. How are bananas and pineapples different?
a. Pineapples are healthy, but bananas are not. ( )
b. Bananas are easy to carry, but pineapples are not. ( )
c. Pineapples grow on plants, but bananas do not. ( )
d. Bananas and pineapples grow in hot climates. ( )
3. Which statement is an opinion?
a. Some people put pineapple slices on cakes. ( )
b. Bananas are a yellow fruit that grows in hot climates. ( )
c. Pineapples have prickly skin. ( )
d. Bananas taste delicious when added to cereal. ( )
B. What is a hand of bananas?