Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 8 Environment and Natural Resources with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Environment and Natural Resources Class 12 Political Science MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.
Class 12 Political Science Chapter 8 Environment and Natural Resources MCQ With Answers
Political Science Class 12 Chapter 8 MCQs Environment and Natural Resources
Question 1.
Which among the following best explains the reason for growing concerns about the environment?
(A) The developed countries are concerned about protecting nature.
(B) Protection of the environment is vital for indigenous people and natural habitats.
(C) The environmental degradation caused by human activities has become pervasive and has reached a dangerous level.
(D) None of the above.
Answer: (C) The environmental degradation caused by human activities has become pervasive and has reached a dangerous level.
Question 2.
Mark Correct or Wrong against each of the following statements below that describe the Earth Summit.
(A) It was attended by 170 countries, thousands of NGO’s and many MNCs.
(B) The summit was held under the aegis of the U.N.
(C) For the first time, global environmental issues were firmly consolidated at the political level.
(D) It was a summit meeting.
Answer: (A) True
(B) True
(C) True
(D) True
Question 3.
Which among the following are True about the Global Commons?
(A) The earth’s atmosphere, Antarctica ocean floor and outer space are considered as part of the global commons.
(B) The global commons arc outside the sovereign jurisdiction.
(C) The question of managing the global commons reflected the North-South divide.
(D) The countries of the North are more concerned about the protection of the global common than the countries of the South.
Answer: (A) The earth’s atmosphere, Antarctica ocean floor and outer space are considered as part of the global commons.
Question 4.
The Earth Summit was held at:
(a) London
(b) New York
(c) New Delhi
(d) Rio-de-Janeiro
Answer: (d) Rio-de-Janeiro
Question 5.
World Environment Day is celebrated each year on:
(a) 5 March
(b) 5 June
(c) 5 January
(d) 7 June
Answer: (b) 5 June
Question 6.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was held in:
(a) 2004
(b) 1997
(c) 2001
(d) 1992
Answer: (d) 1992
Question 7.
India signed and ratified the 1997 Kyoto Protocol in:
(a) August 2002
(b) July 2006
(c) August 2000
(d) August 2005
Answer: (a) August 2002
Question 8.
The World Council of Indigenous Peoples was formed in:
(a) 1950
(b) 1975
(e) 1990
(d) 2007
Answer: (b) 1975
Question 9.
Earth Summit was attended by:
(a) 170 states
(b) 59 states
(c) 191 states
(d) 184 states.
Answer: (a) 170 states
Question 10.
Which Earth Summit has brought environmental issues to the Centre stage of global politics?
Answer: The 1992 Earth Summit has brought environmental issues to the Centre-stage of global politics.
Question 11.
How many people in developing countries have no access to safe water?
Answer: According to the Human Development Report 2006 of the United Nations, about 1.2 billion people have no access to safe water.
Question 12.
In which year Rio-de-Janeiro Environmental Summit was held?
Answer: The Conference on Environment and Development was held in Rio-De-Janeiro, Brazil in June 1992.
Question 13.
What do you mean by ‘Commons’?
Answer: ‘Commons’ are those resources which are not owned by any individual, rather they are owned by the community.
Question 14.
What is Krill?
Answer: Krill is central to the marine food chain and upon which other animals are dependent.
Question 15.
How many indigenous people are there in the whole world?
Answer: 30 crore
Question 16.
Which country’s renewable energy programme is the largest in the world?
Answer: India
Question 17.
In which year World Council of Indigenous people was formed?
Answer: 1975
Question 18.
What was the significance of the Earth Summit 1992?
Answer: The 1992 Earth Summit has brought environmental issues to the centre stage of global politics.
Question 19.
How many States attended the Earth Summit of 1992?
Answer: 170 States
Question 20.
Which Act encourages the use of renewable energy?
Answer: The Electricity Act of 2003
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