Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education with Solutions and marking scheme Set 7 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Set 7 with Solutions
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 70
General Instructions :
- The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions.
- Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All questions are compulsory.
- Sections B consist of questions 19-24 carrying 2 marks each and are very short answer types and should not exceed 60-90 words. Attempt any 5.
- Sections C consist of Question 25-30 carrying 3 marks each and are short answer types and should not exceed 100-150 words. Attempt any 5.
- Sections D consist of Question 31-33 carrying 4 marks each and are case studies. There is internal choice available.
- Section E consists of Question 34-37 carrying 5 marks each and are short answer types and should not exceed 200-300 words. Attempt any 3.
Section-A (18×1=18 Marks)
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
Identify the yoga asana below. [1]
(a) Paschimottanasana
(b) Bhujangasana
(c) Ardha Matsyendrasana
(d) Vajrasana
(a) Paschimottanasana
Question 2.
Identify the disadvantage of isometric exercises. [1]
(a) Interesting
(b) Less variety
(c) Less stress
(d) More equipment
(b) Less variety
Question 3.
Of the following committees, which is not a committee in a sports event? [1]
(a) Reception
(b) Technical
(c) Discipline
(d) Standing
(d) Standing
Question 4.
____________ flexibility is required in gymnastics. [1]
(a) Active
(b) Passive
(c) Explosive
(d) Endurance
(a) Active
Question 5.
Which of the following is known or called Pyridoxine? [1]
(a) Vitamin B1
(b) Vitamin B2
(c) Vitamin B3
(d) Vitamin B6
(d) Vitamin B6
Question 6.
Obesity is a condition in which the Body Mass Index is higher than ____________. [1]
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 30
(d) 40
(c) 30
Question 7.
Which of the following asana is not consider in diabetes? [1]
(a) Ardh Matsyendrasana
(b) Matsyasana
(c) Bhujangasana
(d) Gomukhasana
(b) Matsyasana
Question 8.
‘Punching the wall’ is which form of exercise? [1]
(a) Isokinetic
(b) Isotonic
(c) Isometric
(d) Aerobic
(c) Isometric
Question 9.
Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). [1]
Assertion (A) Our personality is incomplete without the spiritual dimension.
Reason (R) It helps us ask questions to ourselves such as ‘What we want to do?’, ‘Which act provides us with pleasure?’
In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
Question 10.
Which of the following is not a mineral? [1]
(a) Fluorine
(b) Niacin
(c) Sodium
(d) Phosphorus
(b) Niacin
Question 11.
___________ is an incomplete break in a bone in which part of the outer shell of the bone remains intact. [1]
(a) Impacted fracture
(b) Ankle dislocation
(c) Greenstick fracture
(d) Transverse fracture
(c) Greenstick fracture
Question 12.
____________ exercise lengthen the muscles while being opposed by the force of a weight. [1]
(a) Isometric
(b) Eccentric
(c) Concentric
(d) Isokinetic
(b) Eccentric
Question 13.
Which of the following is not a source of copper? [1]
(a) Almond
(b) Pulses
(c) Sunflower seeds
(d) Seafood
(d) Seafood
Question 14.
If a female senior citizen of 62 years of age completes two trails in the Eight Foot Up and Go Test in 6.0 and 5.2 second respectively, her agility will be as classified as __________. [1]
(a) below average
(b) average
(c) above average
(d) extremely poor
(b) average
Question 15.
_______ refers to the capacity to maintain the adequate supply of oxygen to the working muscles. [1]
(a) Anaerobic capacity
(b) Muscle composition
(c) Aerobic capacity
(d) Movement economy
(c) Aerobic capacity
Question 16.
Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). [1]
Assertion (A) Push-ups help in buildings muscular strength.
Reason (R) Push-ups are isokinetic muscular movements that provide strength to the joints.
In context of above two statements, which one of the following is correct?
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
Question 17.
Match the following. [1]
List I | List II |
A. Static strength | 1. Ability of muscles to overcome against maximum resistance |
B. Maximum strength | 2. Strength along with high speed |
C.Strength endurance | 3. Isometric strength |
D. Explosive strength | 4. Greatest force possible in one single effort |
(a) A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3
(b) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
(c) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
(d) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3
(c) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
Question 18.
____________ is a macro mineral which helps in maintaining fluid balance of the body. [1]
(a) Sodium
(b) Phosphorus
(c) Potassium
(d) Calcium
(c) Potassium
Section-B (5×2=10 Marks)
Very Short Answer Questions
Question 19.
What are fats? Write a detailed note on its types. [2]
Fats contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. These are the most concentrated source of energy in food. Sources of fats include animal products such as meat, poultry and dairy products such as milk, cream, cheese, butter and ice-cream, peanuts, olive oil, etc. Fats can be classified according to their structures. which are saturated, poly-unsaturated and mono-unsaturated fats.
Question 20.
What is the procedure of the Partial Curl Up Test? [2]
The procedure for Partial Curl Up Test always begins with warming-up exercises. After this, the starting position is lying on the back with the knees flexed and feet 12 inches from the buttocks. The arms are extended and are rested on the thighs. Head is in a neutral position. The subject curls-up with a slow controlled movement, until the shoulders come off the mat two inches, and then lowering them back down.
Question 21.
What do you understand by anaerobic capacity? List the factors on which it depends. [2]
The working capacity of muscle in absence of oxygen is called anaerobic capacity. It is a requirement in all kinds of endurance activities. It depends on three factors which are as follows
(i) Phosphagen store
(ii) Buffer capacity
(iii) Lactic acid tolerance
Question 22.
Explain cyclic method of designing fixtures in case of odd and even number of teams. [2]
If N= number of teams participating, then
- In case of even number of teams, team 1 is fixed on the top right side and the other teams move in clockwise direction down one side of a rectangle and up on the other side. In such a case, th e number of rounds will be N-1.
- In case of odd numbers of team, a ‘bye’ i-s fixed at the top right hand side and all teams follow it in sequence. The number of rounds will be N.
Question 23.
Describe any two advantages of physical activities for children with special needs. [2]
The advantages of physical activities for – children with special needs are listed below
- Improves Fitness It strengthens heart muscles, and improves cardiovascular and lung efficiency, and exercise endurance.
- Develops Social Behaviour It helps to develop social relationships with other children, teammates, and teachers. This brings a positive change in their social behaviour.
Question 24.
Write briefly about proteins as an essential component of diet. [2]
Proteins are the basic structure of all living cells. They help in tissue formation, repairing broken tissue, regulate the balance of water and acids, transport oxygen and nutrients and make antibodies. These are complex organic compounds. Protein is a chain of amino acids that contain carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen.
Section-C (5×3=15 Marks)
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 25.
What is the importance of water in our body? [3]
Water plays important role in our body. Its importance is explained below
- Eliminates Body Toxins Water helps to eliminate body toxins and body waste through excretion of urine and sweating, etc.
- Regulates Body Temperature Water helps to maintain and regulate tfhe body temperature by sweating, etc.
- Improves Skin Quality Sufficient water in body helps to keep the skin ‘looking good and beautiful.
- Maintains Body Fluids Water helps to maintain body fluids in body. It helps in digestion, absorption, creation of saliva, etc.
Question 26.
Explain about the ‘Cobra Pose’ asana and its advantages in the context of Asthma. [3]
In Bhujangasana, the shape of the body remains like a snake that is why it is called ‘Cobra Pose’. In order to perform this asana, lie down on the belly on the ground. Keep your hands near the shoulders. Keep your legs close together. Now, straighten up your arms slowly and raise the chest: Your hand should be backwards, keep this position for some time. Then, come to the former position. For good results, performs this asana 3 to 5 times.
Advantages of Bhujangasana are
- It cures cold and bronchial problems, kyphosis, obesity, neck spondylosis.
- It provides strength and agility.
- It improves blood circulation.
Question 27.
What are the causes of knock-knees, flat foot and bow legs? [3]
The causes of the knock knees, flat foot, and bow legs are as follows
- Causes of Knock-Knees The main causes of this deformity are rickets, deficiency of vitamin D, weak legs, obesity during childhood, overweight, calcium deficiency, etc.
- Causes of Flat Foot The main causes of flat-foot are wearing flat slippers or shoes, improper shoes, poor quality shoes without sole curves, obesity and overweight, prolonged standing, weak muscles of foot, rapid increase of body weight, etc.
- Causes of Bow Legs The main cause of bow-legs deformity are rickets, deficiency of vitamin D, calcium up diet, early childhood walking with weight, obesity, defaulted footwear etc.
Question 28.
What is the procedure Chair Sit and Reach Test? [3]
Procedure of Chair Sit and Reach Test is as follows
- The person sits on edge of chair, one foot on floor whereas other leg is expected forward with the knee straight, heel on floor and ankle bent at 90°. Place one hand on top of other.
- Then person is instructed to inhale them exhale and reach towards the toes by bending at the hip.
- Keep the back straight and head up and avoid jerky action.
- Keep the knee straight it for 2 second.
- The distance between toes and finger tips is measured in inches.
- If finger tips touch the toes, the score is zero.
- Perform this test twice and consider the best.
Question 29.
What is the difference between minor injuries and serious injuries? [3]
The differences between minor and serious injuries are as follows
Minor Injuries | Serious Injuries |
It does not affect much the fitness of a player. | In these injuries, the health is affected and it declines the performance of a player. |
They are less painful. The pain vanishes after sometimes. | These injuries have lot of pain and localised inflammation around the affected part. |
There is localised inflammation caused due to some damage over skin or muscles tissues. | Skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones are damaged along with rupture of blood vessels or nerves, etc are consider under serious injuries. |
Question 30.
What is the Newton’s Second Law of Motion? Give example of it in sports. [3]
According to Newton’s Second Law of Motion, the rate of change in velocity of an object is directly proportional to the force applied and inversely proportional to mass of body, The greater the force applied the faster is the velocity and more is displacement and vice versa. Examples of this are as follows
(i) A volleyball player pushes the ball slowly for a drop whereas hits the ball hard for a smash. Thus, drop is slow as there is less force whereas smash is very fast as there is great force involvement.
(ii) In a shotput event a player who exerts more force and tosses the shotput at correct angle has greater displacement of shotput, whereas a player who exerts less force has lesser displacement of shotput.
Section-D (3×4=12 Marks)
Case Studies
Question 31.
On the basis of the picture given below, answer the following questions. [4]
(a) The term used for children with special needs is _________.
(b) List any two competitive games hosted for people with special needs.
(c) List any two strategies to make physical activities more accessible for children with special needs.
(d) _____________ is permanent in nature, whether it is physical or mental.
Or ‘Equality through sports’ is the motto for __________.
(a) Divyang
(b) The games hosted for people with special needs are Special Olympics and Paralympics.
(c) The strategies to make physical activities more accessible for children with special needs are assistive technology and professional courses.
(d) Disability
Or Deaflympics
Question 32.
On the basis of the picture given below, answer the following questions. [4]
(a) Identify the type of injury.
(b) List any two sports which may cause this type of injury.
(c) __________ fracture is characterised by a break that is curved or is at a diagonal angle to the bone.
(d) The amount of air passing through lungs each minute is called _________
Or During exercise, the lung, diffusion capacity _____________ in both trained and untrained athletes.
(a) Elbow dislocation
(b) The sports which may cause elbow dislocation are cycling and gymnastics.
(c) Oblique
(d) pulmonary ventilation
Or increases
Question 33.
Posture plays a very significant role in our daily activities. Correct posture means the balancing of body in accurate and proper manner. Various types of postural deformities can be identified in individuals. [4]
(a) From the above given picture, the deformities seen on the left most is caused due to deficiency of
(b) Walking on the inner edge of the feet can be a remedy for
(c) The middle person is suffering with which deformity?
(d) Name the best exercise which is used to cure knock-knee
(a) Calcium, Vitamin D
(b) bow legs
(c) Knock-knees
(d) Horse riding
Section-E (3×5=15 Marks)
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 34.
Explain benefits and contraindications of Chakrasana and Gomukhasana. [5]
Benefits of Chakrasana are
- It is good for infertility, asthma and osteoporosis.
- It cures back pain and pain in kidneys.
- It helps to stimulate the thyroid and pituitary glands.
Contraindications of Chakrasana are
- Person suffering from headache or high blood pressure should not perform this asana.
- Don’t perform this asana in case of shoulder impingement.
- It should be avoided during pregnancy.
Benefits of Gomukhasana are
- It makes the leg muscles strong and elastics.
- It helpful in the treatment of sciatica.
- It cures back pain and asthma.
Contraindications of Gomukhasana are
- The individuals who suffer from shoulder, knee or back pain should avoid this asana.
- Avoid this asana in case of any knee injury.
- Avoid this asana in case of recent or chronic knee or hip injury.
Question 35.
Explain the remedies of kyphosis, lordosis and knock-knees. [5]
The following exercises should be performed for the remedy of kyphosis
- Sit in chair such that hips should touch the back of the chair. While looking upward, hold hands behind the back in such a way that your shoulders may remain stretched backward. Remain in this position for some time.
- Perform Dhanurasana, Chakrasana and Bhujangasana regularly.
- Hold out arms at the shoulder level and bend your elbows. Snap your elbows back to the starting position. Repeat this exercise at least 8 times for the best results.
The following exercise should be performed for the remedy of lordosis
- While maintaining a standing position, bend forward from hip level. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
- Lie down on your back and raise your head and legs simultaneously for 10 times.
- Halasana and Paschimottanasana should be performed regularly.
The following exercise should be performed for the remedy of knock-knee.
- Perform Padmasana and Gomukhasana regularly for some time every day.
- Keep a pillow between the knees and stand erect for some time every day.
- Horse riding is the best exercise for remedying this deformity.
Question 36.
Discuss about minerals as nutritive components of diet. [5]
Minerals are very important nutritive components of food. They are needed in small quantities but, they are very essential for proper growth and development of body. It is essential for proper functioning of the muscles, formation of teeth, clotting of blood and in maintaining the balance of acid and base in the body. A shortage of minerals can have severe effects on health.
The important minerals required by our body are
- Calcium It is required for bone and teeth formation. The sources of calcium are milk and milk products, fruits, tomatoes, vegetable, etc.
- Potassium It is required for activities of nervous and muscular system and also for hydro (water) balance of the body.
- Sodium It helps nervous system for better neuromuscular responses. Its sources are common salt, fruits and vegetables.
- Iodine It is essential for proper thyroid functions. Its sources are sea food, iodised salt, etc.
- Iron It is required for formation of haemoglobin. Its sources are green leafy vegetables, egg. dry fruits etc.
- Fluoride It keeps teeth and nails healthy are prevents from dental caries. Its sources are cnon spinach, vegetables, etc.
Question 37.
List any two yoga asanas for diabetes patients and their procedures. [5]
Diabetes is a well known lifestyle disease. It has become an epidemic worldwide. Yoga helps a lot to control and prevent this disease. Different asanas help to stimulate the production of insulin that helps in controlling diabetes. The asanas to control diabetes are as follows Bhujangasana The procedure of this asana is
- This is done in lying posture.
- Lie on the stomach and rest forehead on the floor.
- Keep the feet and toes together and touch the ground. Place the hands at shoulder level and palms on floor.
- Inhale and lift the head, chest and abdomen. Keep the navel on the floor and take at least five breaths
- Exhale slowly and come to rest with hands below the head.
Paschimottanasana The procedure of this asana is
- This is done in sitting posture.
- Sit on the floor with the legs stretched out.
- Sit straight, raise both arms above your head arc stretch up.
- Bend forwards and hold the big toes with the midcie and index fingers.
- Then, exhale out slowly and try to touch the knees with your forehead.
- Stay in this position for five deep breaths and relax the muscles while exhale.
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