Here we are providing Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Extra Questions and Answers Important Questions Class 12 English Flamingo, Extra Questions for Class 12 English was designed by subject expert teachers.
Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Extra Questions and Answers Important Questions Class 12 English Flamingo
Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type
Question 1.
How do ‘denizens’ and ‘chivalric’ add to our understanding of the tiger’s attitudes ?
Tigers are the denizens of the world of green. The . tiger is considered very brave and courageous animal. They are not afraid of anyone.
Question 2.
Why do you think Aunt Jennifer’s hands are ‘fluttering through her wool’ in the second stanza ? Why is she finding the needle so hard to pull ?
Aunt Jennifer has become so old that it appears that her fingers are trembling through wool. She has become so weak that she even finds the needle hard to pull. The poet means to say that unending household chores have made aunt very weak.
Question 3.
What is suggested by the image ‘massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’ ?
The poet says that Uncle’s wedding band lies very heavily on Aunt Jennifer’s hand. She has to work endlessly from morning till night and also have to bear Uncle’s tyranny. Aunt Jennifer has to slavishly follow all the orders of uncle.
Question 4.
Of what or of whom is Aunt Jennifer terrified with in the third stanza ?
Aunt Jennifer is terrified of endless household chores and Uncle in the third stanza. She thinks that even after her death she will not be free from these household chores.
Question 5.
What are the ‘ordeals’ Aunt Jennifer is surrounded by, why is it significant that the poet uses the word ‘ringed’ ? What are the meanings of the word ‘ringed’ in the poem ?
Aunt Jennifer is surrounded by household chores. These chores are no less than ordeals for her be-cause willingly or unwillingly she has to do them. The word ‘ringed’ has been used to convey that Aunt Jennifer is so surrounded by her ordeals that she can never think to come out of them.
Question 6.
Why do you think Aunt Jennifer created animals that are so different from her own character ? What might the poet be suggesting, through this difference ?
Aunt Jennifer is old and submissive woman. But the tigers she is embroidering on the panel appear to be bold and chivalric. The suggestion given here is that women give birth to men but the same men tyrannise women when they grow up.
Question 7.
Interpret the symbols found in this poem.
The poet has used the symbol of tigers in this poem. The tigers represent creative energy of women. The tigers also represent the male-dominant society. The poet wants to say that the women give birth to men, but the same men tyrannise women when they grow up.
Question 8.
Do you sympathise with Aunt Jennifer ? What is the attitude of the speaker towards Aunt Jennifer ?
Yes, we do sympathise with Aunt Jennifer. Aunt Jennifer symbolises particular housewife. She has to do all the household chores without any respite. Her husband is very cruel and often tyrannises her. The poet says that perhaps Aunt Jennifer will have to continue with her household chores even after death.
Question 9.
For Aunt Jennifer what do the tigers symbolise ?
The tigers symbolise creative energy of women. The tigers also represent the male-dominant society. The poet wants to say that the women give birth to men, but the same men tyrannise women when they grow up.
Question 10.
What will happen to Aunt Jennifer’s tigers when she is dead ?
Aunt Jennifer has embroidered tigers on a panel. These tigers represent not only women’s creativity but also tyranny of men towards women. It will continue even after the death of Aunt Jennifer. Therefore her tigers will also keep prancing on the panel.
Question 11.
Why did Aunt Jennifer choose to embroider tigers on the panel ?
Aunt Jennifer has been tyrannised by her husband all her life. Her husband has become a picture of terror for her. She is in fact venting out all her inner feelings by embroidering tigers on the panel. In the form of tigers she has in fact embroidered the fearful face of her husband.
Question 12.
Aunt Jennifer’s efforts to get rid of her fear proved to be futile. Comment.
Aunt Jennifer embroidered tigers on the screen. These tigers are symbol of her husband, whom she is very afraid. She thinks that by embroidering tigers she will get a sort of relief from her fear. But it proves quite futile. The poet says that even after her death, the fear of her husband’s tyranny will keep on haunting Aunt Jennifer.
Question 13.
Why does Aunt Jennifer create animals that are so different from her own character ?
Aunt Jennifer is old and submissive woman. But the tigers she is embroidering on the panel appear to be bold and chivalric. The suggestion given here is that women give birth to men but the same men tyrannise women when they grow up.
Question 14.
What picture of male chauvinism (tyranny) do we find in the poem, ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ ?
Ours is a male-dominated society. Aunt Jennifer is a typical housewife. She has to follow her husband’s orders slavishly. Her husband tyrannises her and she has accepted her fate submissively. In fact this poem reflects a true picture of male chauvinism.
Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Extra Questions and Answers Long Answer Type
Question 1.
Write in brief the summary of the poem.
The poet refers to an old woman, Aunt Jennifer. She has embroidered some tigers on a screen. These tigers are jumping across the screen. The poet says that these tigers appear so real as if they were actually the inhabitants of the jungle. Some men are shown beneath the tree. But these tigers are fear¬less. They are not afraid of these men. Aunt Jennifer has become so old that it appears that her fin¬gers are trembling through wool. She has become so weak that she even finds the needle hard to pull.
The poet says that the uncle wedding band lies very heavily on Aunt Jennifer’s hand. The poet means to say here that Aunt Jennifer has to slavishly follow all the orders of uncle. Aunt Jennifer is terrified of endless household chores and Uncle. She thinks that even after her death she will not be free from these household chores.
Question 2.
Write in brief the central idea of the poem.
In this poem the poet narrates the tale of an old woman Aunt Jennifer. She is a typical housewife. She is embroidering tigers on a frame. Aunt Jenni-fer has suffered all her life because of male-dominance. The tigers she is embroidering are in fact symbol of her husband. They can also be seen as a symbol of a woman’s creative energy. The women give birth to men and the same men tyrannise women when they grow up. The poet says that Aunt is crushed due to male chauvinism and it appears she won’t be free from the bondage of her household chores even after her death.
Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Extra Questions and Answers Stanza For Comprehension
Stanza 1
Aunt Jennifer’s tigers prance across a screen,
Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.
(a) Why are the tigers called Aunt Jennifer’s tigers ?
(b) How are they described here ?
(c) How are they different from Aunt Jennifer ?
(d) What does the word, ‘chivalric’ mean ?
(a) Aunt Jennifer has embroidered the tigers on a screen, therefore they are called Aunt Jennifer’s tigers.
(b) These tigers are of bright yellow colour; they are in-habitants of the forests.
(c) Aunt Jennifer is a very submissive and timid woman. On the other hand the tigers are shown very brave and full of energy.
(d) It means ‘confident and brave’.
Stanza 2
Aunt Jennifer’s finger fluttering through her wool
Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.
The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.
(a) What is Aunt Jennifer doing with her wool ?
(b) Why does she find it difficult to pull the ivory needle ?
(c) What does ‘wedding band’ stand for ?
(d) Describe the irony in the third line.
(a) She is embroidering beautiful tigers with her wool. Aunt Jennifer is finding hard to pull her needle because her hands have become very weak.
(b) Wedding band in these lines stands for the marital duties that every woman has to perform.
(c) They never get any respite and they have to do household chores from early morning till late night.
(d) The wedding is generally considered union of two souls and blessed by God Himself. But ironically in this poem, the wedding is considered as a painful experience of Aunt Jennifer.
Stanza 3
When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie
Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by.
The tigers in the panel that she made
Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid.
(a) Name the poem and the poet.
(b) What was Aunt mastered by ?
(c) What will her terrified hands be ringed with ?
(d) What will happen to tigers after Aunt Jennifer’s death ?
(a) The name of the poem is ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ and the name of the.poet is Adrienne Rich.
(b) Aunt was mastered by her ordeals.
(c) Her terrified hands will be ringed with ordeals.
(d) The tigers will keep on prancing on the screen even after Aunt Jennifer’s death.
Important Questions for Class 12 English