NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem Chapter 5 Where Do All the Teachers Go are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem Chapter 5 Where Do All the Teachers Go Questions and Answers PDF download.
Board | CBSE |
Textbook | NCERT |
Class | Class 6 |
Subject | English Honeysuckle Poem |
Chapter | Chapter 5 |
Chapter Name | Where Do All the Teachers Go |
Number of Questions Solved | 22 |
Category | NCERT Solutions |
Class 6th English Honeysuckle Poem Chapter 5 Where Do All the Teachers Go Question Answers
Where Do All the Teachers Go Class 6 Questions and Answers
Stanzas For Comprehension
Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow choosing the best option from among the given ones.
Where do all the teachers go
When it’s four O’ clock ?
Do they live in houses
And do they wash their socks ?
Do they wear pyjamas
And do they watch TV ?
Paraphrase :
Where do the teachers go when it’s 4’0 clock ? Do they live (like ordinary people) in houses ? Do they wash their socks ? Do they (also) wear pyjamas and watch T.V. ?
Multiple Choice Questions.
The name of the poet is
(a) Peter Dixon
(b) L.M. Halli
(c) Harry Behn
(b) Y-Yeh-Shure
The poem is about what a child wants to know about
(a) his home
(b) his parents
(c) his teachers
(d) his school
The speaker finds it difficult to believe that his teachers are
(a) great men
(b) ordinary people
(c) learned
(d) educated
The speaker thinks that the teachers are always
(a) in pyjamas
(b) dressed like a teacher
(c) in party-wears
(d) Shabbily dressed
The speaker feels teachers have no time for
(a) studies
(b) teaching
(c) learning
(d) entertainment
Answers :
- (a) Peter Dixon
- (c) his teachers
- (b) ordinary people
- (b) dressed like a teacher
- (d) entertainment
And do they pick their noses
The same as you and me ?
Do they live with other people
Have they mums and dads ?
And were they ever children
And were they ever bad ?
Paraphrase :
Do they (the teachers) pick their noses like you and I ? Have they parents ? Were they ever children ? And were they ever (considered) bad ?
Multiple Choice Questions.
They’ in the passage refers to
(a) teachers
(b) students
(c) parents
(b) villagers
According to the speaker ‘picking nose’ is
(a) good
(b) bad
(c) serious
(d) ill-mannered
The speaker finds it difficult to believe that the teachers are
(a) great people
(b) ordinary people
(c) very learned
(d) rich
The passage shows that the students are much impressed by their
(a) parents
(b) soldiers
(c) policemen
(d) teachers
The phrase ‘pick nose’ means to
(a) touch the nose
(b) blow the nose
(c) pull mucus from the nose
(d) scratch the nose
Answers :
- (a) teachers
- (d) ill-mannered
- (b) ordinary people
- (d) teachers
- (c) pull mucus from the nose
Did they ever, never spell right
Did they ever make mistakes ?
Were they punished in the comer
If they pinched the chocolate flakes ?
Did they ever lose their hymn books
Did they ever leave their greens ?
Did they scribble on the desk tops
Word-Notes :
Spell-write the spellings, हिज्जे लिखना। Corner-कोने Pinched squeezed, नोचा Flakes-pieces, ढुकड़े Hymn books-the books of prayer, प्रार्थना की पुस्तकें। Greens-green vegetables, हरी सब्जियाँ। Scribble-write, लिखना।
हिन्दी अनुवाद :
क्या कभी उन्होंने शब्दों के हिज्जे गलत किये ? क्या उन्होंने कभी गलतियाँ कीं ? क्या कभी चाकलेट खाने पर उन्हें कोने में खड़े रहने की सजा मिली ? क्या उनके द्वारा कभी भजनों की किताबें खोयीं गयीं ? क्या उन्होंने कभी हरी सब्जिी (प्लेट में) छोड़ीं ? क्या उन्होंने कभी डैस्क के ऊपर लिखा ?
Multiple Choice Questions
In the passage we have some one talking about
(a) the children
(b) the teachers
(c) how the children think
(d) what the teachers think
The speaker is talking of the things for which the children are often
(a) praised
(b) punished
(c) awarded
(d) advised
The speaker seems to think that the behaviour of the teachers is such that they appear to be the people who are
(a) good
(b) bad
(c) decent
(d) out of the world
The passage shows that the students have a habit of writing on
(a) paper
(b) books
(c) walls
(d) desks
The words ‘ever’ and ‘never’ are
(a) adverbs
(b) verbs
(c) nouns
(d) adjectives
Answers :
- (c) how the children think
- (b) punished
- (d) out of the world
- (d) desks
- (a) adverbs
Did they wear old dirty jeans ?
I’ll follow one back home today
I’ll find out what they do
Then I’U. put it in a poem
That they can read to you.
Paraphrase :
Did they (the teachers) ever wear old and dirty jeans ? I (the author) have decided to follow one of the teachers when he goes back home. I’ll find out what they do (there). I will write it in a poem which the teachers can read to you (their students).
Multiple Choice Questions.
This passage has been taken from the poem
(a) A House, A Home
(b) The Kite
(c) Beauty
(d) Where do All the Teachers Go ?
The speaker of this passage is
(a) the poet
(b) a child
(c) a student
(d) the headmaster
They’ in the poem refers to
(a) the teachers
(b) the people
(c) the children
(d) the students
‘You’ in the poem refers to
(a) the teachers
(b) the people
(c) the children
(d) the students
The adjective form of ‘poem’ is
(a) poet
(b) poetic
(c) poetry
(d) poems
Answers :
- (d) Where do All the Teachers Go ?
- (c) a student
- (a) the teachers
- (d) the students
- (c) poetry
Textual Questions
Question 1.
Answer these questions.
(i) Why does the poet want to know where the teachers go at four o’clock ?
Answer :
The poet wants to know where the teâchers go at four O’clock. He refuses to believe that they are like the common people who go home after work.
(ii) What are the things normal people do that the poet talks about ?
Answer :
Normal people go home after work. They relax in their houses wearing informal dress and watch T.V. They live with their parents and children. Sometimes
they are bad also. Normal people commit mistakes. Sometimes they are seen wearing dirty clothes also.
(iii) What does he imagine about ?
- where teachers live ?
- what they do at home ?
- the people with whom they live ?
- their activities when they were children in school ?
Answer :
- He imagines that his teachers live in some special place unknown to anybody.
- According to the poet, they do not do ordinary things like relaxing and watching T.V.
- He wonders if they live with their parents and children as the common people do.
- He tries to imagine if they also behaved like ordinary students. When they were children were they ever punished ? He imagines that they perhaps never did any thing wrong. So, perhaps they were never punished in the class.
(iv) Why does the poet wonder if teachers also do things that other people do ?
Answer :
The poet wonders because the teachers do not appear to him normal human beings. They seem to be so perfect that they cannot make the mistakes or do chores which ordinary people do.
(v) How does the poet plan to find out ? What will he do once he finds out ?
Answer :
The poet plans to find out the answers to his questions by following one of his teachers when he goes back home after school. He will then, write his findings in the form of a poem. The poem will be good enough for the teachers to read to the class.
Question 2.
What do you think these phrases from the poem mean ?
- punished in the comer
- leave their greens.
Answer :
- The phrase ‘punished in the comer’ refers to the punishment imposed by the teachers to punish some of their students. They are asked to leave their seats and stand in a comer.
- Greens refer to cooked green vegetable leaves. The children do not like to eat them.
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