Living in Harmony Class 3 Questions and Answers Solutions
EVS Class 3 Chapter 6 Living in Harmony Question Answer
Discuss (Page 73)
Question 1.
Do any of these animals, birds, insects and plants live with you in your house?
Yes, plants live with us in our house.
Question 2.
Do you and your family take care of them?
Yes, I and my family take care of them.
Find Out (Page 73)
Question 1.
Are there any animals, birds and insects that you have spotted that are not in the picture given on page 72?
Try to find out their names and write them in the table given below. One example has been done for you.
Name of the Animals | Place where you have seen them |
Monkey | Tree |
Parrot | Tree |
Cow | Field |
Dog | Road |
Ant | Home |
Discuss (Page 74)
Discuss in Pairs
Question 1.
Which are the uninvited animals, birds and insects that visit your home?
Cat, dog, butterfly, mosquitoes, lizard, cockroaches, ants and pigeons are uninvited animals that visit my home.
Question 2.
Why do you think they come to your homes?
I think they come to my home in search of food.
Question 3.
How do you feel about their presence in your home?
The presence of some animals, like cats and birds, makes me happy, but the presence of cockroaches and lizards makes me uncomfortable.
Question 4.
Which of them do you like?
I like cats, dogs, butterflies and birds.
Question 5.
What do you do when you do not like them?
I try to drive out them from house if I don’t like them.
Discuss (Page 77)
Question 1.
How are we dependent on plants and animals?
- We get fruits, vegetables, medicines, fibre for clothes and wood for furniture from plants.
- Animals such as cows, buffaloes, goats give us milk.
- Animals help us in many other tasks such as ploughing.
Question 2.
How do plants help animals?
Plants give food and shelter to animals. They also provide fresh air to animals and us.
Question 3.
How do animals help plants?
Animals help plants by dispersing seeds and making the soil fertile through their waste. The fertile soil helps plants to grow well.
Question 4.
How do you look after plants and animals in your surroundings?
We look after plants and animals in our surroundings by giving them food, water and shelter. We should treat them with kindness.
Question 5.
How do animals and plants depend on us?
Animals and plants depend on us for proper care, water, food and shelter.
Activity-1 (Page 78)
Get to Know an Animal
Question 1.
Observe the animals around you.
Do yourself.
Question 2.
Choose any animal that you see often, such as a goat, cow, dog, cat or bird like a crow, pigeon, sparrow, parrot or duck.
Do yourself.
Question 3.
Observe it closely whenever you get a chance. You can also keep a bowl of water and some grains for it.
Do yourself.
Write (Page 78)
Write a short description of the animal or bird:
Question 1.
Name and describe the animal or bird that you have chosen.
I have chosen a cat. Her body was covered with grey and white fur. Her tail was thick. I named her ‘Kitty’.
Question 2.
When and where did you first see it?
I saw the cat on my balcony on a hot afternoon.
Question 3.
Was it there alone or with its friends?
The cat was alone there.
Question 4.
Describe its movement.
The cat was roaming around the balcony and trying to hide behind a polted plant.
Question 5.
What sounds did it make?
The cat was making meow meow sound.
Question 6.
Did you see it eating, sleeping, talking to its friends or maybe fighting sometimes?
I saw her eating and sleeping.
Question 7.
Did it do anything that surprised you or made you laugh?
When I put a bowl of milk on the floor, she immediately came out from her hiding place and started drinking milk with her eyes closed. This act surprised me and made me laugh too.
Question 8.
Share your story with your classmates.
Class Activity.
Activity-2 (Page 79)
Make a Guess
Question 1.
Who will come for the food?
Question 2.
Which will be their favourite food?
Sugar or Jaggery.
Question 3.
Will any ants come to your food?
Question 4.
Where would they come from?
They would come from corner around.
Question 5.
Will all the ants look the same?
Question 6.
What food item will they go to first?
They will go to the sweet like sugar or jaggery first.
Question 7.
How many ants will come to the food?
Ten to Twenty.
Question 8.
What will they do with the food?
They will carry the food particles to their home.
Activity-3 (Page 80)
Guess Who I Am?
Sit in pairs. One of you will think of the name of an animal, bird, insect or tree and whisper it in the ear of your partner. Make sure you don’t say it too loud! Your partner will have to act and move like the animal, bird or insect and the class will have to guess it! You can switch roles after this. For example:
Question 1.
Gopa’s friend Ali whispered ‘Frog’ into his ear. What do you think Gopa did?
I think Gopa would have jumped like a frog using both his hands and legs.
Question 2.
Sukhiya’s friend Surya whispered ‘Peepal tree’ into her ear. What do you think Sukhiya did?
I think Sukhiya would have stand steady and straight and swaying both his stretched arms gently.
Let us Reflect (Page 81)
A. Discuss
Question 1.
How are we dependent on plants and animals?
We depend on plants and animals for food, shelter, clothing and companionship.
Question 2.
How should we care for plants and animals in our environment?
- We should never pluck plants or their leaves.
- We should water the plants on time regularly.
- We should not hurt animals even if we do not like them.
- We should give food and water to animals.
Question 3.
How do plants and animals depend on us?
We can give water to plants, help plants by dispersing seeds and making soil fertile, we can provide food and water to animals. We can provide shelter to animals. Plants and animals need our care and support. We can all help each other.
B. Write
Question 1.
Complete these sentences with the names of plants, birds, animals or insects:
(a) I like looking at _____________ because __________________________________________
(b) ________ make me laugh because ___________________________________________
(c) My friend _________________ likes ______________ because ____________________________
(d) I would like to take care of _______________ because ____________________________________
(a) I like looking at rose plants because they are pretty and smell nice.
(b) Monkey make me laugh because they are so playful and mischievous.
(c) My friend Rohit likes parrot because they are colourful and can talk.
(d) I would like to take care of a neem plant because it is a natural air purifier and has many medicinal benefits.
Question 2.
(a) Which is your favourite animal, bird, insect or plant among those you have named above?
Monkeys are my favourite animal.
(b) Why do you like it?
I like monkeys because they make funny faces. I love watching them swing from trees.
(c) Write down the names of all the animals, birds, insects that you have seen or learned about from the smallest to the largest.
Ant, butterfly, bird, cat, monkey, dog, goat, cow, elephant.
C. Draw
Question 1.
Name and draw animals, birds, and insects that have:
(a) Two legs
(b) Four legs
(c) Six legs
(d) Eight legs
(a) Two legs
(b) Four legs
(c) Six legs
(d) Eight legs