In this page, we are providing Body Movements Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 8 pdf download. NCERT Extra Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Body Movements with Answers will help to score more marks in your CBSE Board Exams.
Body Movements Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers
Body Movements Class 6 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type
Question 1.
What is the name of small bone which make up backbone?
Question 2.
Name the bones which protect the heart from all sides.
Breastbone from front and the backbone at the back make a type of box to protect the heart.
Question 3.
Which is the longest bone in our body?
Question 4.
Does the shoulder bone also move when you move your arm?
Question 5.
Do the bones on the top of the skull move?
No, they do not move.
Question 6.
Do the bones of upper jaw move?
No, they do not move.
Question 7.
At which point does the arm rotates?
The arm rotates on the round pit like structure.
Question 8.
How many types of joints are there in our body?
There are five types of joints in our body.
Question 9.
How many pairs of wing does a cockroach have?
A cockroach has two pairs of wings which are attached to its breast by flight muscles.
Question 10.
How many parts are there in our arm? Name them.
Our arm consists of two parts, the upper arm and the lower arm which are joined at the elbow.
Question 11.
What helps the fish to move through water with low resistance?
The streamlined shape of the body enables a fish to move through water with low resistance.
Question 12.
Write the names of three animals that have streamlined body.
(i) Fish
(ii) Birds
(iii) Snake
Question 13.
If you tie a scale with your arm, are you able to bend your elbow? Why?
No because it prevents functioning of elbow joint.
Question 14.
What is a group of similar cells with same kind of function called?
Question 15.
What is cartilage?
The bone like structure which is soft and elastic in nature and can be bent is called cartilage.
Body Movements Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type
Question 1.
What do bones of a skeleton do?
The bones of skeleton provide a framework which give shape and holds our body together.
Question 2.
Name the two types of body movements shown by human beings and other animals.
Human beings and other animals show two types of body movements.
- The movements of the body parts (e.g., mouth, head, backbone, arms, hands, legs and feet).
- The movement of the whole body from one place to another.
Question 3.
What are ribs?
The chest bones are called ribs. They are the curved bones in our chest.
Question 4.
What is cartilage?
At some places in the skeleton there is a material which is tough but not as hard as bones and can be bent. It is called cartilage.
Question 5.
Name the places in our body where cartilage are present.
- Cartilage is present in the pinnae (outer parts) of ears.
- It is found at the end of nose.
- It is found on the end of bones where they meet one another at a joint.
- It is also present as cartilage discs between the vertebrae of the backbone.
Question 6.
What is shoulder?
Shoulders are the part of the body to which our arms are attached.
Question 7.
How does a fish swim in water?
When a fish swims, its front part curves to one side and the tail part also changes its position to another side. The tail fin helps in changing the direction.
Question 8.
What is skull? What is it made of?
The bony parts of our head is called the skull. The skull is made of 22 bony plates joined together.
Question 9.
What is backbone?
The backbone is a long hollow, rod like structure running from the neck to the hips, inside our body. The scientific name of backbone is vertebral column.
Question 10.
What is hinge joint?
A hinge joint is the joint which allows movement only in one direction forward and backwards.
Body Movements Class 6 Extra Questions Long Answer Type
Question 1.
What is a muscle? Explain how it helps in movement.
A muscle is the fibrous tissue in the body that has an ability to contract (when asked to do so by the brain). When a muscle contracts, it shortens (becomes smaller). Muscles are attached to the bones of our skeleton through a long fibre called tendon.
Muscle always work in pairs. When one muscle of a pair contracts, then the other muscle of a pair is relaxed. A contracted muscle can come back to its original position only when the other muscle of the pair contracts.
Question 2.
How many types of joints are there? Explain each of them.
The main types of joints in the human are:
- Hinge joint
- Ball and socket joint
- Pivot joint
- Fixed joint
(i) Hinge joint: A hinge joint is the joint which allows movement in only one direction, i.e., forward and backward.
(ii) Ball and socket joint: In the ball and socket joint, one end of the bone has a round shape like a ‘ball’ which fits into a ‘socket’ (hollow space) in the other bone. Such joint allow movement in all directions, e.g., shoulder and hip joints.
(iii) Pivot joint: In a pivot joint, a cylindrical bone turns in a ring-type bone. The pivot joint allows movement in forward and backward and right and left, e.g., neck joint.
(iv) Fixed joint: In some joints, the bones are held so tightly together that they cannot move at all.
Question 3.
What is skeleton? State its functions.
The skeleton consists of skull, backbone, ribs, breastbone, shoulder bones, hip bones, arm bones and leg bones. The human skeleton consists of a strong backbone which has skulls at its top end.
Following are the functions of skeleton:
- The skeleton holds the whole body together and gives it a shape.
- It protects many delicate internal organs of the body from damage.
- It provides numerous points for the attachment of the muscles of the body.
- Along with muscles, the skeleton helps in the movement of body parts and locomotion.
Question 4.
What is dislocation and fracture of bone? What precaution should one take when one gets a fracture?
Any careless sudden movement a jump, fall or knock may cause an injury to the skeleton. It may be a dislocation or a fracture. In case of dislocation the bones at the joint are dislodged from their normal position. The ligaments may be torn apart or injured causing pain and swelling.
A fracture is a break in the bone. The break may be of a hair line crack or serious break in one or more points. Fracture also causes pain and swelling. In all these cases, the patient should soon be taken to a doctor or hospital.
Following precautions should be taken when one gets a fracture:
- Never try to reset the bones on your own.
- Place the injured part in a comfortable position.
- Care should be taken to avoid jerk or movement of the injured part.
Question 5.
How a bone is formed? What kind of food should we take for proper growth and upkeep of bones?
Before our birth the skeleton forms a soft and elastic piece of cartilage. Some of these cartilages, not all, are changed to bones. With the deposition of a substance containing calcium and phosphorus, the bones become hard and strong.
When a baby is born, its skeleton is soft. With the growth and development, bones become hard. At old age, the bones become hard and brittle.
For proper growth and upkeep of bones we need to take food which are rich in calcium and phosphorus, vitamins and proteins. Milk, curd, fruits, vegetables and eggs contain the needed nutrients.
Body Movements Class 6 Extra Questions HOTS
Question 1.
What is the difference between locomotion and movement?
(i) Movement is an act of change in position or location of any part of an organism whereas locomotion is change in place of the whole body of an organism, from one to other.
(ii) Movement is shown by both plants and animals whereas locomotion is shown by only animals.
Question 2.
What will happen if our backbone is made of one single long bone instead of so many vertebrae?
We will not be able to twist, turn and bend as we do it now.
Question 3.
How many bones are there in a newborn baby? How it becomes 206 bones by adulthood?
There are approx. 305 bones in a newborn baby. Most of the bones fuses together to form single bone by the time of adulthood. So, it become 206 bones by adulthood.
Question 4.
What do you understand by brittle bone?
By the time a person grew older, his body may reabsorb calcium and phosphate from the bones instead of keeping these minerals in the bones. Thus bones become weaker and can break easily without any obvious injury.
Question 5.
What do you think will happen if our body have as many number of movable joints as the number of bones?
Too many numbers of movable joints can also make our work difficult. We may not walk or do our daily chores properly and easily.
Body Movements Class 6 Extra Questions Value Based Question (VBQs)
Sia fractured her leg while playing. Doctor plastered her leg and advised her to take calcium tablets and milk regularly. He also asked her to get plenty of sunlight. Sia followed the doctor’s advice.
(a) What is fracture?
(b) Why did the doctor advise Sia to take calcium tablets?
(c) Why did the doctor ask Sia to get plenty of sunlight?
(d) What value of Sia is shown here?
(a) A fracture is a broken bone which ranges from thin crack to a complete break.
(b) Calcium tablets will help in quick healing of bones.
(c) Sunlight is the source of Vitamin D which is good to make our bones strong.
(d) Sia is an obedient girl.
Question 2.
Sam went to science laboratory to see the specimen of cockroach and bird wings. He observed many differences in them though both are used for flying. He reported his observation to science teacher. His teacher praised him.
(a) Can you list the differences between wings of cockroach and bird?
(b) How birds are adapted for flying?
(c) How many legs are present in cockroach?
(d) What values of Sam are shown here?
(a) Wings of bird have feather and bones. Wings of bird are actually fore limbs of birds. Birds have only one pair of wing. Wings of cockroach do not have feather and bones. It is somewhat translucent. Cockroach have two pairs of wings.
(b) Birds have streamlined body with strong muscles and light bones which make them adaptive for flying.
(c) Cockroach has 3 pairs of legs.
(d) Sam is intelligent, curious, hard working and a good observer.